Passionate, dedicated, and loving, Maxwell's House of Abilities team members love their work and it shows in everything they do. Our goal is to make a positive difference in the lifes of those with Autism and there families.
Teen & Young Adult Summer Camp
13 year -30 year old
Started on June 6 to July 29.
$175 Weekly Monday-Friday (12:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.)
Please call 832-447-7576 to Register
We can Create Custom Packages.
Participants in this Summer Camp:
Receive hand on Job Training at Galley Furniture on 45 North and Torchy's Tacos before in class camp.
Week 1: Emotional Recognition: June 6-11
10 Spots (7 of 10 Spots Available)
Week 2: Interpersonal Skills: Part 1: June 13-18
10 Spots (7 of 10 Spots Available)
Week 3: Interpersonal Skills: Part 2: June 20-24
10 Spots (7 of 10 Spots Available)
Week 4: Conversation Topics: June 27-July 1
10 Spots (7 of 10 Spots Available)
Week 5: Making Friends: July 4-8
10 Spots (7 of 10 Spots Available)
Week 6: Perspective Taking: July 11-15
10 Spots (7 of 10 Spots Available)
Week 7: Basic Conversation Skills: July 18-22
10 Spots (7 of 10 Spots Available)
Week 8: Social Skills: July 25-29
10 Spots (7 of 10 Spots Available)