Passionate, dedicated, and loving, Maxwell's House of Abilities team members love their work and it shows in everything they do. Our goal is to make a positive difference in the lifes of those with Autism and there families.
Where We Take the "DIS" Out of Disability
Our Mission Statement:
Our mission is to support those on the Autism spectrum and their families by offering and or finding funding for services such as Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Job opportunities and childcare for those with ASD. Our goal is to ultimately alter the perception of those on the Autism spectrum in our community, by helping them shine the light on their abilities, while simultaneously dimming the light on their disabilities. We also offer a classroom environments catered to the individual learning needs of those that come to our center. Along with offering life skills to help them feel fulfilled and have a sense of purpose to thrive in life.
Contact Us:
Interested in learning more about Maxwell's House of Abilities?
Please feel free to get in touch, and a member of our team
will get back to you as soon as possible.
Tours are held on Mondays and Tuesday
14420 Sylvanfield Dr. Suite #100
Houston TX 77014
Hours of Operation:​
Monday - Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M
Saturdays & Sunday: Closed